Green HIlls Hotel

See why so many travelers make Green HIlls Hotel their hotel of choice when visiting Nyeri. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers a family-friendly setting with an array of amenities designed for travelers like you.

The hotel offers room service, to make your visit even more pleasant. The property also features a pool and free breakfast. Guests arriving by vehicle have access to free parking.

While in Nyeri be sure to experience nearby pubs such as The White Rhino Hotel.

Nyeri is also home to Bongo Asili Cultural travels ltd, a popular waterfall that is not too far from Green HIlls Hotel.

We’re sure you’ll enjoy your stay at Green HIlls Hotel as you experience all of the things Nyeri has to offer.

Bishop Gatimu Road, Nyeri 10100 Kenya, Wilaya ya Nyeri



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Coordinates: -0.4254783, 36.9452906
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